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Maison Lenoble was founded in 1920 by Armand-Raphaël Graser. His estate extends over 18 hectares on the terroir of Chouilly, classified as a Grand Cru de la Côte de Blancs, and on the terroir of Bisseuil, classified as a Premier Cru de la Montagne de Reims. The Lenoble vineyard obtained the Haute Valeur Environnementale certification in 2012.

Lenoble wines are made in the traditional way and age in the cellars of the house, carved into the chalk, at a constant temperature of 10 to 11° all year round. You will find in particular within the collection of Lenoble cuvées the cuvée Intense "mag" full of intensity and subtlety, the cuvée Brut Nature "mag", an undosed champagne, precise and fresh, and the cuvée Grand Cru Blanc de Blancs "mag", the expression of the terroir of Chouilly, toasted and floral.

Lenoble Champagnes: good to know

🔢 Available products count 3
🎨 ColourWhite champagne
🍾 FormatBottle
↕️ DosageChampagne extra brutChampagne brut natureChampagne demi-sec
🍇 CépagePinot noirPinot meunierChardonnay
📍 TerroirsVallée de la marneCote des blancsMontagne de reims
⭐ VintageAnnata 2013Non vintage champagne
📦 PackagingChampagne in a box
📏 ScalePremier cru
💡 Type de champagneBlanc de noirs